Thursday, October 6, 2011


"Wake up thug, timin is everything man."  The two were crouched down in the alley.  In the street there was a fair happening.  Today is initiation day for The Miscreants.  Frankie continued to taunt him, "Be a man and prove your loyalty!" His target was the street vendor with the cash box. He'd been watching the scene for weeks.  Chico was sweating profusely.  The MAC-10 in his grip was becoming slippery.  His mind was racing.  With a heavy sigh he whispered "so this is what it's come to."  Frankie was growing impatient.   "Fuckin coward, you gotta handle this man, it's gotta happen now!"   But Chico wasn't paying him any attention.  There was a time in his life that things were normal.  He remembered back to when he was just Juan growing up in New Mexico with his family.  That was before the fire.  He was the only survivor and it haunted him.  The nightmares wouldn't cease.  Juan was a lost soul and he found solace in the gang that Frankie introduced him to a year ago.  He changed his name and banished  his past forever.  They were his family now.  However, he kept on seeing his mother's angelic face. 

This wasn't right and he knew it.  Suddenly he started to run.

The busy street turned into a desolate country road.  Juan had been walking in silence for miles.  His trance was finally broken by the song of a male cardinal perched somewhere in a tree.  Like a mirage, there it was.  A stone building with a red door.  Above it hung a decayed sign with one word painted on it "SANCTUARY".  Juan stared at the ground, swirling the dirt around with his foot pondering what to do.   He walked up the steps and reached for the door.  It was ajar.  He slowly pushed it open and stepped inside.  There standing at the window was the most beautiful woman Juan had ever seen.  She had long black hair and eyes the color of violets.  She was wearing a long white flowing robe.  She turned and looked at him.  "I am Ariel". "Is it sanctuary that you seek?"    Juan burst into tears and his voice cracked, "I want a better life".  Ariel drew him into her arms to console him.  "There, there, don't fret.  Everything will be ok".  They talked for hours.

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