Friday, April 8, 2011

Constructive Criticism

Yesterday as I returned from nukeing my lunch in the microwave, my co-worker asked me "Do you think I look mean and unapproachable?"  I couldn't help but snicker.  I, in the past, have also been accused of  looking mean and unapproachable.  It seems that I'm responsible for other people's "perception" of me.  This is what my managers proclaim anyway.  But frankly, I'm not sure that I believe that.  After all, I'm not the one passing judgement.  Most of the time I am so focused on my work, that I am oblivious to what's going on around me.  One side effect to that is it registers on my face and it makes me look grumpy.  I suppose that's the problem though isn't it. 

So without further ado, I'm taking a poll. 
At work I should:

a. Focus on my work and be 100% productive
b. Shirk all responsibility, be Miss Congeniality while sitting at my desk waiting for people to pass by so I can jump up and down, clap, smile and generally gush all over them
c. Both A&B.


Lady Godiva said...

How about adding a "D" option, which includes hanging up that bunny poster at your desk. That'll fix 'em. :)

My look can be very intense and serious at times, and I have gotten similar comments in the past. People that say things like: "you look so serious", are void and have nothing constructive to say.

Tiffany said...

OMG love it!