Monday, September 12, 2011

Celebrating Me

Everytime I learn about someone else's personal history it always seems so much more exciting or fulfilling than mine.  Then I am left with a feeling of emptiness and envy, like my life pales in comparison.  I don't have a college degree, I've never been married, I don't have children, and I don't own a home.

The last time I saw a pyschic she detected this and reminded me to try to be more grateful and that things aren't always as they seem.  Today I am celebrating me!

Here is a list of what makes me so special:

  • My friend Rick aspires one day to be as talented of a writer as I am
  • I graduated from Kinyon Campbell business school with honors
  • I had the courage to sit through the pain of being tattooed and having my belly button  pierced
  • I have been told on numerous occassions that I have an excellent vocabulary 
  • I was selected to be a model in a fashion show
  • (ok, I'm already feeling better about myself! : )
  • People revere my skill as a photographer and my work has won contests
  • I've been told I have a great singing voice
  • I was a member of the Boston Crusaders Drum and Bugle Corp
  • I've have been complimented on my dancing ability and have performed in numerous dance recitals
  • I've travelled to Canada, Texas, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, and several different parts of Florida
  • I don't look like I'm 40
  • I have great hair
  • I work for a "Big 4" firm in the city and my 8 year anniversary is this October
  • I am psychic and a healer and have been fortunate enough to help others

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