Friday, September 9, 2011

I had my first experience with mythical creatures one afternoon after gazing into the quartz crystal hanging from my rearview mirror.   A dragon materialized blinking all around me in a mischievous fashion.  The dragon stayed with me for some time, but eventually I became spooked so I asked it to leave and it did.

Much later, while I was unlocking the front door, I felt a presence behind me.  I glanced over my left shoulder and saw a miniature Poseidon riding a wave.  He was just hovering there looking exactly how you would expect him to look, clutching a trident.   This seriously freaked me out.  I immediately commanded him to leave.  Just like a bubble floating through space, in an instant POP, he vanished.

Last Saturday I visited one of my favorite shops called Natures!. Their merchandise consists of metaphyscial books, crystals, geodes (which Lindsey will crack open for you with this really cool contraption) shells, fossils, stones, dream catchers and oodles more.  As I was sorting through the Bloodstone, my boyfriend approached me with a miniature microscope in his hand.  "Honey, check this out, take a look at your skin".  So I did.  I examined more objects and then I selected a quartz cluster.  This by far was the most interesting.  Contained within this crystal were copious smaller crystals.  The patterns and shapes were amazing.  Then the strangest thing happened.  A force, which I can't explain, thrust itself into my head.  I stood there stunned and feeling quite dizzy.  "Wow!" "There is definitely something living in this crystal, and I think it's attracted to me."

I haven't experienced anything like this since I met my fairy.  Yes, I said fairy.  I'll save that story for another time.

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