Thursday, September 15, 2011


 The rivulets of water dropping from the ceiling of the cavern onto her cheek aroused Lilla.  She was alone.  Her leg was numb.  The rubble from the crash was crushing her.  The thick dust caught in her throat was making her cough as she weezed and gasped for breath.  Her lips trembled as she contemplated her fate.  "Focus dammit!"  She took a deep breath and sought out that special place deep inside her.  Arriving there, she waited.  The humming started. A familiar magical chemistry swirled around that made her lips curve up into a smile.  Then a force that could not be contained erupted and with all her will and strength,  Lilla  heaved the unbearable weight from her body.  She snapped her eyes shut as shards of cave ribbon and stalagtites sailed through the air.  "Ahh, freedom."  Her eyes focused and she found the stairs.  They were a mere 15 to 20 feet away.  "I can do this."  So she did.  As she climbed the final step, Lilla turned the door knob and a wave of relief came over her as her escape unfolded before her:

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